A Soul For A Soul In Need, Young Boy Sells Toys To Help His Service Dog

A Soul For A Soul In Need, Young Boy Sells Toys To Help His Service Dog

Dogs are disguised angels. So are the children. If you ever doubted this statement, the following story will reassure you.

Connor, a 10-year-old boy had everything but an easy childhood. Seizures, night terrors, fatigue, headaches, constant bullying at school and consequent anxiety, behaviors beyond his control; all of this has been a part of Connor’s daily routine. After numerous tests, Connor was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress and ADHD.

With all of the sources for help already drained, another solution came up and Connor was matched up with a best new friend, an emotional support dog, Doberman named Copper. Cooper has been trained and was able to sense and alarm others when his human was about to have seizures or anxiety attack.

Just when the bond between the dog and a boy grew into a beautiful friendship and the family started to believe Copper was sent from heaven, misfortune decided to visit this family again. Copper, as Doberman, is more than any other dog breed likely to develop the Wobblers Syndrome which compresses the cervical spine and makes it painful to walk, and it is what happened to Connor’s faithful companion. The treatment and the surgery for Copper reached the amount of more than $3,200 which family did not have nor could have collected.

Connor’s love for his dog and a therapist in dog’s body led him to make a heartbreaking move where he started selling his own toys in the hope to collect money for Copper’s surgery. At the same time, his Mom started with the GoFundMe campaign resulting in a pure miracle.

This touching story of a boy and his therapy dog touched the hearts of many and in only 15 days, they managed to collect the incredible $17,500 making it possible to afford the laser and ultrasound therapy for Copper and make sure these two wonderful souls, a child, and a dog are still there to help each other!

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