A Viral Clip Featuring A Smiling Puppy That Filled Many Hearts to the Brim

A Viral Clip Featuring A Smiling Puppy That Filled Many Hearts to the Brim

If you are one of the dog parents that have had their emotions tested simply by watching the adorable and viral smiling adoption clip that’s surfacing around the web, today is your lucky day.

It’s no secret that our furry friends can feel ranges of emotion, just as we can, so there’s no denying that this smile said more than words could say.

After being dropped off at a shelter, this adorable 7-week old girl named Layla was picked up by the Beaumont Animal Shelter in Texas. Those that found her said she was incredibly frail and nervous coming into contact with people, but upon getting settled at this shelter, she stunned all staff members.

The well-known video that most have viewed, all started with an approaching staff member. Tech Rachel Barron was first assigned to care for Layla, and as she came upon her kennel and began speaking to her, she captured this moment that many won’t forget.

Knowing she was in good hands, Layla began wagging her tail and smiling from ear to ear, which was luckily caught on camera by Rachel Brown. Shortly after this video went viral, adoption inquiries began rolling in.

Before long, the perfect family paid a visit to this Texas animal shelter and decided to take her home. We are happy to report that Layla now gets to play all day, surrounded by her three adopted brothers, and two sisters, making a great addition to the Toney family!

Images & Feature Image Source: Rachel Barron

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