Everybody loves a good nativity scene. It’s the perfect sign that Christmas is here! The wise men, the warm barn, the manger and a sleeping… Puppy???
Wait.. That can’t be right?
Well, if you were celebrating Christmas in this cozy town in Brazil, that’s exactly what you would have seen! Because one stray puppy had settled down for the night right in the center of the festive scene.
Traditionally, the manger in the center of the nativity is left vacant until Christmas Day itself. And apparently, an empty, blanket-lined crib was a welcoming site to this wandering puppy! Several passers-by were surprised to see that the nativity in their local town square had an extra character… of the four-legged variety. When they looked closer, they saw that it was not the little Lord Jesus, but a cute little puppy that was asleep in the hay!
Nobody knew where the dog had come from, but one neighborly onlooker decided to rescue the pup and take him home for some proper shelter and the warmth of a loving family. Every dog’s dream! Residents from the area suspected that the poor pup had been abandoned, and was desperate for a warm place to sleep for the night.
It’s a tragedy to think that anybody would leave a pet to fend for itself like that, but at least this story had a happy ending.
It was a true Christmas Miracle!
Images & Feature Image Source: Nádia Rosângella