Adorable Beagle Called Bliss Loves The Weirdest Of Things!

Adorable Beagle Called Bliss Loves The Weirdest Of Things!

This adorable beagle pup called Bliss is loving the weirdest things on the planet! Today she’s going to show you her love for a drink carrier and it’s adorable!

According to this adorable beagle’s mommy, Bliss falls in love with the weirdest things! Today she’s fallen in love with a drink carrier and will do everything she can to no let it go out of sight! Maybe it tastes like food from the restaurant it came from or maybe she just loves a good challenging cardboard to chew on. Either way, it’s adorable to see her so entertained!

Take a look at this super cute fur kid’s video on the page 2 below!

Page 2 Here!

Take a look at Bliss sharing her love for the drink carrier and don’t forget to Like and Share this post with your friends 🙂

Feature Image Source: Bliss and Blue Beagles

If There’s One Beagle Pup Everyone Wants, Its Definitely Josie The Beagle!

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