Adorable Beagle Mix Pup And His Daddy Communicate In Dog!

Adorable Beagle Mix Pup And His Daddy Communicate In Dog!

Everyone, this is Bagel, the beagle! Bagel is a beagle mix pup who’s communicating with his daddy in DOG and we’ve got to keep it together to understand exactly “what” they’re saying!

According to the original uploader on YouTube, “Bagel is a precocious Beagle-Bassett mix. Sometimes he breaks out in song. Enjoy!” But I have a feeling they’re both talking about the mailman here. If there were subtitles I bet this is how it would go.

Bagel: “Dad, the mailman is here, can I please go chase him?”

Dad: “No Bagel, we discussed about this.”

Bagel: “Just one last time, daddy please? One final time?”

Dad: “No Bagel, that’s not good manners, isn’t it? Remember what we talked about just yesterday after you nearly gave him a panic attack?”

Bagel: “Yes that was funny! Just this one time?”

Dad: “Nooooo” LOL

Take a look at this video and try come up with better subtitles, if you can! Don’t forget to like and share this post with your friends too!

Feature Image Source: Joe Black

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