Adorable Beagle Pup Can't Tell Whether He's Excited Or Scared Of The Drone!

Adorable Beagle Pup Can't Tell Whether He's Excited Or Scared Of The Drone!

Meet this super confused beagle pup, who doesn’t know what to feel when he saw this ginormous drone in his backyard! Should he be scared? Offended? Happy? But look at that tail!

There’s always a time in our lives when we feel multiple emotions about one single thing – sometimes we’re scared and excited together. Sometimes we’re happy and angry at the same time! Sometimes… yes you get the point, I assume. This beagle pup is in a similar situation!

He saw a massive drone in his backyard and he didn’t know how to react! Whatever he’s thinking in his mind, his tail is wagging a mile a minute so I think he’s more playful than scared, don’t you think? Take a look at this video below and don’t forget to like and share it with your friends too!

Feature Image Source: JuleA DuranV

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