Adorable Beagle Pup Tastes A Piece Of Orange And Goes Nuts Almost Instantly!

Adorable Beagle Pup Tastes A Piece Of Orange And Goes Nuts Almost Instantly!

Meet Boris, an adorable beagle pup who tasted a piece of orange for the first time and completely lost his mind! Yes he didn’t like it and can’t get rid of the taste now!

Boris isn’t the only fur ball who doesn’t like oranges, in fact a lot of pups don’t like it either. Some of them can’t even stand the smell let alone take a bite! This darling didn’t know what to expect so naturally when mommy offered him a piece, he gladly took it only to shake later on!

But are oranges safe for your fur ball? According to Can I Give My Dog, “Oranges, or the tangerine, aren’t considered toxic but they are probably not the best fruit for canines. While some will tell you that there are benefits, others consider all citrus fruits to be ill-suited for pets. It’s usually alright to feed a small portion. Needless to say, you should be removing the peel for them.” Take a look at this video and share away, people!

Feature Image Source: Boris The Beagle

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