Adorable Dachshund Pup Is Fast Asleep, Now Listen Closely...

Adorable Dachshund Pup Is Fast Asleep, Now Listen Closely...

Meet Bobby, an adorable dachshund pup who’s fast asleep right now, in his dream land chasing squirrels and falling in love with lamp posts and what not, but wait, what’s that sound?

Bobby the fur ball is fast asleep, and if you listen closely you’ll hear that he’s snoring… the roof off! You don’t even need pin-drop silence to hear him, trust me! Despite all the laughter this fur ball continues snoring like a train. But is snoring healthy for our fur balls?

According to Kwane Stewart, D.V.M., chief veterinary officer of the American Humane Association, “Just like us, your dog requires solid sleep as a component of good health. They even experience REM sleep as we do. If the snoring is consistent and pervasive, particularly if it’s waking your pooch up from a deep sleep, then it’s time to see your vet.”

Take a look at this video and don’t forget to like and share it with your friends too 🙂

Feature Image Source: Dachshund Bobby

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