Adorable Dachshund Pup Is Totally Mesmerized By Shih Tzu Puppy's Tail!

Adorable Dachshund Pup Is Totally Mesmerized By Shih Tzu Puppy's Tail!

Meet this adorable dachshund pup who’s completely mesmerized by his sibling’s tail and won’t let go no matter how awkward it looks! Keep your eyes on the shih tzu puppy’s face!

Have you ever had moments when you and your friend or your sibling wore something similar and suddenly you like what they’re wearing more than you like your stuff? C’mon, it happens! It’s unavoidable, but who’s going to tell this fur ball who’s obsessed with his sibling’s tail?

You can’t deny that the shih tzu puppy’s tail is fluffy, but so is the dachshund’s. But did you see the shih tzu puppy’s face? It drips, “Yep he likes to annoy me by pulling my tail, you can pull my tail all you want, you still can’t have it!” That smile is so contagious! Take a look at this video and don’t forget to like and share this post with your friends too!

Feature Image Source: eunicekiwi的頻道

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