Adorable Dog Is Happily Dreaming, Then When He Hears Mom, He Starts 'Running'!

Adorable Dog Is Happily Dreaming, Then When He Hears Mom, He Starts 'Running'!

Do dogs dream? Science suggests that they do. And this super sweet video clip right here might just prove it!

Little two-week-old bulldog puppy Hulk was snoozing while his two-year-old bulldog mom Maisy watched when something absolutely adorable happened!

Nikki Palakovic, the human Mom of these two dogss, was watching this cute little furball sleep peacefully in their Pennsylvania home when she decided to gently whisper to him. She asked started her camera when she saw the puppy was shaking a little, as though dreaming. After panning over to show Maisy gazing watchfully at her son, Nikki asked Hulk: “Who’s the nicest baby?”

Apparently Hulk, who was so named because of his unusually big size, his large belly, and the fact that he was the only dog is Maisy’s litter, could hear her! His legs started to twitch, as though the praise was exciting him and he was eagerly running towards Mom in his dreams.

Hulk isn’t the only puppy Nikki knows who responds this way to whispers as he naps, but his chubbier size make him an extra cute spectacle to watch! Hulk is definitely going to grow up to be a big boy, just like the character he’s named after!

Feature Image Source: Caters Clips

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