Adorable Dog Steals Reporter's Microphone!

Adorable Dog Steals Reporter's Microphone!

When viewers tuned into the weather segment, the last thing they expected to see was the debut of the World’s First Weather Dog!

This happened in Russia when news reporter Nadezhda Serezhika of MIR24 attempted to deliver her weather report. What she didn’t know was that a dog was about to take over the spotlight, and something else! In an unbelievable twist, he did a mic grab! Before Serezhkina’s segment was randomly cut short, she was carrying on with her report as usual. All of a sudden, this dog saw an opportunity to steal the show, or at least, what he thought was a toy.

He jumped into the frame, and seemingly mistook the stunned reporter’s colorful microphone for a toy. What else could she do but chase him down and retrieve it? Back at the studio, everyone was taken aback by the chaos, but they managed to keep it professional by switching to another report to give Serezhkina time to get things under control. Less than a minute later, she was back on screen with an update for her audience.

Check out this footage of what happened on live television. It’s hilarious!:

Sure, it was sudden, but Serezhkina handled it well and remained professional. It’s not every day your mic gets snatched by a playful doggy named Martin. The best part about it is that she made a new friend, and even shook hands for the viewers at home. What a pleasant surprise!

Image Source: Facebook

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