ADORABLE Bulldog Meets Box And Can't Wait To Destroy It!

ADORABLE Bulldog Meets Box And Can't Wait To Destroy It!

Meet Jarvis, an adorable English bulldog pup who’s proudly showing the world what it’s like to chew cardboard in slow motion! Yep he looks pretty content about it too!

Jarvis the fur ball is having a swell time chewing the cardboard and he’s proud of it too! This fur ball has no idea the world’s watching him chewing, but he sure explains why most of our paperwork is chewed! Talking about cardboard, is it dangerous for our fur balls?

According Pet Place, “There is nothing in most general cardboard that is “toxic” but it is not a good idea for your dog to eat it. If ingested, it is possible that it could cause a gastric or intestinal obstruction that would have the potential to be life threatening.”

Take a look at this video and don’t forget to like and share it with your friends too 🙂

Feature Image Source: yq397r

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