Adorable German Shepherd Can't Contain Her Excitement When Mom Shows Her THIS!

Adorable German Shepherd Can't Contain Her Excitement When Mom Shows Her THIS!

Meet Sophie, an adorable German shepherd pup who’s excitement is shooting off the roof right now because of what mommy has in her hands! Can you guess what she’s about to see?

According to the original uploader on YouTube, “So I was eating my takis and my dog wanted one so I gave it a tiny bit and she loves them!!!! I put them on the seat and she just fell of of it. She’s 7 weeks old…” Yep this pup wanted the chips, no matter how spicy they can get! But are chips good for your fur ball?

According to Can I Give My Dog, “Make no mistake about it, dogs don’t get the same pleasure factor from eating chips that we do. They’ll just wolf it down, crunch it up, and it get on with their day. In fact, it won’t even stay in their mouth long enough to savor it. It’s just fuel for them, the wrong kind. Sure, they salivate in anticipation but don’t let that factor into your decisions.” Now take a look at this video and don’t forget to share away, people!

Feature Image Source: Joey Johnson

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