Adorable Golden Retriever Pup Conquered The Stairs...The Reaction Is EPIC!

Adorable Golden Retriever Pup Conquered The Stairs...The Reaction Is EPIC!

Howard the golden retriever could never manage the staircase…it was something he didn’t want to conquer until he was a little more fluffy, I guess. Now that he did, his reaction is EPIC!

This adorable fur ball’s mommy was so happy to know that her fur ball finally conquered the stairs all by himself! And the golden retriever pup himself couldn’t believe that he’d finally done it! He had conquered the stairs and now he was the boss of the house! It’s so cute to see him celebrating with his human as if to say, “Mom! I did it! Can you believe it? I did it!” I would be proud of him too if he were my fur baby!

He could climb up and climb down, and climb up again without fearing anything or anyone. With that thought came an epic reaction. See it on page 2 below!

Page 2 Here!

Take a look at this video and don’t forget to like and share this cutie…like and share!

A video posted by @life_of_howard on

Feature Image Source: Instagram

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