Adorable Labrador Pup Gets Fed Eggs By His Sibling The Cockatoo!

Adorable Labrador Pup Gets Fed Eggs By His Sibling The Cockatoo!

Meet this adorable Labrador pup and his sibling an fluffy white cockatoo and the two are ready for breakfast! The two are going to show you what unconditional sibling love means!

The fluffy cockatoo has taken it upon himself to feed his massive brother, the Labrador, some eggs in the morning because after all, there’s no fun in eating alone, is there? So takes a small piece of egg, chews it a little and then bows down enough for the fur ball to eat it! Talk about team work! As for eggs, are they good for your fur ball?

According to Can I Give My Pet, “Your best buddy may benefit from moderate egg consumption. Dogs aren’t prone to the same cholesterol risks, and the resulting diseases, as us humans are which is partially because of their shorter life spans. Even the yolk, which is where many of the nutrients are found, is okay in moderation. Without a doubt, giving one or two to a dog can make for a very healthy treat.”

Take a look at this video and don’t forget to like and share it with your friends too 🙂

Feature Image Source: Lisa L. Bryant

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