Adorable Labrador Was Just Playing Fetch, But Things Soon Turned Sour

Adorable Labrador Was Just Playing Fetch, But Things Soon Turned Sour

This Labrador pup was just playing fetch but in a matter of a few seconds things turned sour when the poor fur kid accidentally found himself in the middle of a river, unable to get back to safety. Now watch what happens…

This fur kid was playing with his tennis ball when suddenly the ball landed right in the river and without hesitating, this fur kid plunged after the ball to retrieve it.

But to his misfortune the river turned out to be extremely tumultuous and he couldn’t make it back to safety. But hope wasn’t lost, not for this Labrador pup. See what happened on page 2 below.

Page 2 Here

The pup’s daddy wasn’t going to give up on him so without hesitating, he jumped in the river to rescue him. The bystanders immediately called for help and the two were soon out of danger.

But this leave an important lesson for all of us – always keep an eye on your fur kid and never let them venture on their own. Don’t forget to like and share this man’s love for his fur kid with your friends 🙂

Feature Image Source: Mirror

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