Do you love German shepherd pups? I sure don’t blame you! Their fierce loyalty, athletic build, and excellent protective instincts paired with a gentle heart makes them pretty amazing dogs.
It’s no wonder why these pups can befriend so many different animals easily and put them at ease!
Thorin is one such pup. He’s always finding new little critters to be friends with. Two of these buddies of his are Fite and Alma, a pair of baby rheas! These three love to keep each company in the garden. They just laze around and hang out, not doing much, but thoroughly enjoying each other’s company nonetheless. It’s a very peaceful and adorable scene!
Thorin is such a gentle and loving pup that animals of all sizes feel safe around him, and his friendly nature makes them want to become his buddy! He’s really a special pup. Do like and share this video if you enjoyed it!
Feature Image Source: Thorin