This Adorable Pup Was Enjoying Her Photoshoot When Suddenly A Firetruck Interrupted Her!

This Adorable Pup Was Enjoying Her Photoshoot When Suddenly A Firetruck Interrupted Her!

Some pups are just made to stand in front of the camera! For example, Lola the bulldog pup is naturally photogenic, loves to pose, and is great at staying still for photographs.

So she’s been dressed up in an orange outfit for a little photoshoot with Mommy today – but it’s interrupted! Lola has a bit of a diva moment during her photoshoot when a fire engine drives by with its sirens on full blast. She immediately stops looking at the camera and glares off into the distance where the sirens can be heard from.

She is not amused by this rude interruption to her fabulous photoshoot, that’s for sure! Don’t worry, Lola, the fire engine will soon drive off and you’ll be able to start posing like the natural model you are! Do like this video if you enjoyed it, and don’t forget to share it around with all your friends and family!

Feature Image Source: MistressKerri99

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