These Adorable Pups Dug Up The Entire Garden And Now They're Pleading Not Guilty!

These Adorable Pups Dug Up The Entire Garden And Now They're Pleading Not Guilty!

Do you love golden retriever pups? Well then, you’ll love this adorable, funny video! All pup parents know the feeling when their fur balls do something bad and then try to pretend they never did it.

A Mommy or Daddy will always find out, though, and then this will happen. It seems that someone’s gone a dug up Mommy’s garden! Who could the culprit be? It’s not Lola, as she’s been inside all day. But Milo and Poppy have dirty paws and very guilty looks on their faces!

These naughty pups have been caught red-handed – or rather, dirt-pawed – and they can’t look Mommy in the eye because of it. Tsk, tsk! These pups might have committed a bad deed, but there’s no way anyone can stay mad for too long at those adorable, apologetic faces! Do like and share this cute video with all your friends and family if you enjoyed it!

Feature Image Source: Lolathegoldenbear

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