After Busy Holidays, This Pup Decided To Sleep The Day Off! We Don't Blame You!

After Busy Holidays, This Pup Decided To Sleep The Day Off! We Don't Blame You!

Did you get your full eight hours of sleep last night?! Most people struggle to get that much sleep each night, but hopefully, the answer is yes.

During the holidays, most people are able to take some time off from work and get some much-needed shut-eye. Our dogs and cats have it easier, they get all the sleep they need every night! Did you know an average adult dog will sleep between 12 and 14 hours a day?!

Can you imagine how much better life maybe if we all got that much sleep every night?! Less road rage, fewer cups of coffee – wait, no that is a bad idea! Coffee is life! So, eight hours is enough sleep for humans! While you decide how much sleep you would like to have every night watching this German Shepherd sleep. But, think fast, the video only lasts about 14 seconds!

Feature Image Source: Ashish Chaudhary

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