We are familiar with the nutritional benefits of eggs, it, being a wonderful source of fatty acids and protein. This is why it has become among our staples for a healthy breakfast. So, it’s understandable to wonder if it’s okay to share your egg omelet with your canine so that he/she can enjoy the same benefits too.
Well, here’s good news! Eggs are healthy for dogs so you can go ahead and share your egg breakfasts with your pup. Eggs contain Vitamin A, among other fat-soluble vitamins, which are fantastic for your dog’s skin and coat. Eggs have also been found to help ease your dog’s upset stomach.
So, what is the best egg preparation for your dog?
Simply omit the spices – which your dog cannot take – and ensure that the eggs are well cooked. Unlike us, humans, the cholesterol concern that we often associate with eating eggs isn’t going to be a problem for your dog. His/her normal cholesterol level is above 200 so you need not be concerned about elevating it further by feeding him/her plenty of those yolks.
What you should, however, be watchful of is your dog’s weight gain. If he or she starts stacking up those pounds from eating a lot of eggs, you may have to balance it with ample exercise, and regulate intake according to what is recommended. Consult your vet about the recommended quantity of eggs which your dog should consume on a daily basis.