Arthur The Beagle Loves The Carpet So Much He Runs Away With It!

Arthur The Beagle Loves The Carpet So Much He Runs Away With It!

Arthur the beagle loves this carpet so much that he decided that today he had to make it his by running away with it! This is one hilarious pup!

Arthur the beagle absolutely loves this rug and I’m not sure what exactly it is about it…maybe its the color or the texture or maybe it has a really great smell…either way he loves it for unknown reasons and we’ve got to respect that I guess!

Now, when a fur kid loves something, what do they do with it? They steal it, of course! Arthur seems to have plans for this rug, because he has grabbed it and is making sure it comes with him, wherever he goes!

That’s right – today he took matters into his own paws and decided that if there was one place the rug had to be, it was where he wanted it to be! So without further ado, see him take the carpet away no matter what people around him think!

See the video on page 2!

Page 2 Here!

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A video posted by Arthur (@lordarthurrodger) on

Feature Image Source: Instagram

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