Two bobcats charging toward a dog in Monument, Colorado were frantically chased away by the dog’s parent, Bob Myhren, who noticed the wild animals appearing from the creek along the edge of his family home.
Despite his pet dog’s relatively larger size, the wandering trespassers were unfazed, much to the terror of the homeowner. As viewed from the home’s surveillance camera, Myhren was heard frantically driving the aggressors away during the shocking encounter, which proved that even large canines are not safe from attacks by wild animals, including mountain lions, coyotes, or bobcats.
Although not a usual occurrence, it is not completely alien to spot such wild animals in Colorado and sporadic encounters such as these on humans and pets are considered rare. In cases when these attacks do happen, it often involves ailing animals or those that are rabid.
As a precaution against these bobcat attacks, dog owners are advised to monitor their pets while outdoors, especially in locations where wild animals are found to be roaming around. Stay alert where potential preys often abound such as a herd of deer or gang of elk as this mean that their predators are not far away.
To protect your dog, always stay alert for potential attackers, or better yet, keep away from such areas. Also, when seeing a bobcat, deter them from approaching you or your pet by shouting, waving your arms above your head, or creating loud noises.
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