Baby Robin Meets Mighty Sweet Pup And They Just Might Become Friends!

Baby Robin Meets Mighty Sweet Pup And They Just Might Become Friends!

How do you think something very small would react to meeting something much larger, and vice versa? We get to find out today thanks to this adorable German shepherd pup and this very cute little baby robin.

This unlikely pair just happened to stumble upon each other, and it seems like they just might become friends! At first, all we see is the little bird, chirping away at something. Then the pup comes into the video and curiously nudges the baby with his nose. Aww! He’s so gentle with the young chick, sniffing inquisitively and being as light with his touches as possible.

What a sweet, soft-hearted fur ball! The chick in turn seems to feel quite safe! This robin just won’t stop chirping at the new friend he’s made in the pup, and the fur ball definitely seems to want to be buddies with the strange baby bird! Isn’t it just the most adorable thing? Like and share if you think so!

Feature Image Source: anonymous

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