Because Daddy Went To Sleep, This Dachshund Decided To Do This!

Because Daddy Went To Sleep, This Dachshund Decided To Do This!

Meet Faith, an adorable dachshund pup who has faith that if daddy’s not sleeping on the couch, she has all the permissions to sleep there and take daddy’s place!

According to the original uploader on YouTube, “I took a nap and Faith decided to take one, too. She is one HOT DOG!” Yep you bet she’s one hot dog, can you imagine what it’s like to look all cute and cuddly all day long? Everyone needs time out!

So this pup decided to take daddy’s place and snooze all over his pillow. When daddy came back, he was surprised to see that the pup was sleeping in odd position so he decided to wake her up so she could” breathe!” Take a look at this adorable video and don’t forget to like and share, people!

Feature Image Source: Mary E. Evans

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