Brave German Shepherd Helps Firefighters Rescue Two Children From A Burning House!

Brave German Shepherd Helps Firefighters Rescue Two Children From A Burning House!

Meet Maxx, a brave, brave German shepherd pup who did the incredible by helping firefighters rescue two children from a burning house in an Orlando suburb.

According to the Seminole County Sheriff’s Office, as soon as the neighbors saw the fire spreading, they immediately called 911 and broke into the house to rescue the family inside. Two children, aged 2 and 4 years old were saved with the help of Maxx, the family’s German shepherd!

“We are grateful to the neighbors who jumped into action, and we especially thank the firefighters who selflessly entered the burning structure and risked their lives for the Feaser family,” said Sheriff Don Eslinger. “There is a long road of recovery and rebuilding ahead, but our Sheriff’s Office family will be with Margo and her family every step of the way. We know our community is behind them too, and we appreciate the tremendous outpouring of support the family has received.”

The Feaser family have been hospitalized for their health conditions and their pup Maxx was treated for smoke inhalation. Both Margo and her husband are military veterans and they will forever be thankful to their little pup Maxx, who’s rightly being hailed a HERO! Take a look at this video and don’t forget to SHARE this pup’s bravery with your friends too!

Feature Image Source: Inside Edition

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