Can Dogs Have Dry Skin During Winter Months?

Can Dogs Have Dry Skin During Winter Months?

Even if you don’t have eczema or other similar skin problems, winter can still prove to be especially nasty to our skin. The cold and dry air can make both lips and skin cracked and itchy. Unfortunately, it seems that our dogs can suffer the same fate as well!

Doesn’t Fur Protect My Dog From This?

Fur does not do much – if anything at all – to help the skin hold on to moisture. As a result, dry air will still wick moisture away from the skin. This can actually result in fur loss as the skin becomes chapped and cracked, and your dog starts scratching away at it to relieve the itchiness.

What Should I Do?

First, you should make sure that the dry skin isn’t caused by a preexisting condition. Examples include:

  1. Eczema.
  2. Mites.
  3. Lice

Once you’ve determined that it’s just your poor dog suffering dry skin, try buying a humidifier for your home! This will raise the humidity of your house, meaning there’s less reason for the air to dry out your dog’s skin. You’ll likely find that this will benefit you as well!

Additionally, you can help put some moisturizer on your dog as well. This will instantly soothe and relieve the skin, and make your dog feel better afterwards!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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