We just are not meant for the dark. Just try navigating a dark room to see it for yourself! But what about our dogs – how well can they see in the dark?
How’s Their Night Vision?
As it turns out – pretty good, actually. Research has shown that thanks to some evolutionary traits, dogs are equipped to see much better in the dark than us. Some of the stuff they have working in their favor includes:
- Bigger pupils, to let in more light
- Tapetum lucidum (aka eyeshine), which reflects more light into the pupil
- More cells (aka rods) dedicated to detecting light and movements
Eyeshine? Tapetum? What’s That?
Tapetum is a layer of tissue that works like a mirror. It bounces more light into the pupil, and since images we see are composed entirely of light, this means that dogs can see more as a result. Cats have this too, which is why both species’ eyes glow in dark places.
Bonus – it can come in different colors too!
More Colors? How?
It really depends on the type of light, the angle at which light hits the tapetum, and how dense the dog’s lenses are. These three factors, when combined, can produce a surprising range of colors!
Thanks to tapetum, your dog will always be a better guide than you are in the dark. Best rely on them when you’re walking through a dim room!
Feature Image Source: Pixabay