In his 11-year life Chopper the Biker Dog has been nothing short of a delight to his local San Diego and 116,000 followers on Social media. Living a legacy of visiting those in need regardless of whether they lay ill or moribund in hospital, hospice or nursing home; Chopper made a large paw impression in the lives of many.
Drawing to what seems to be his final curtain, Chopper was diagnosed with Cushing’s disease and non-regenerative anemia. Having undergone numerous blood transfusions and several blood tests in the previous year, Chopper’s life seemed to be fraying at the seams. This allowed his parent, Mark Shaffer, to rethink a birthday celebration.
However, goodness became ripe and Chopper enjoyed a parade for his recent 11th birthday, this past Sunday. The celebration resonated deeply with his parent Shaffer as he suspects that it could be the pup’s last. Such a thought truly realizes the reality that a time will come when Chopper will not be at his parent’s side nor at the sight of those who adore him.
At the jubilant, paraded celebration, many of Chopper’s fans came through to support him and express their gratitude for what he has done for them. This gratitude was manifested in voluntary donations that accumulated to approximately $30,000; according to Shaffer, the pup wouldn’t be present today without the aid of his fans.
Even so, when the time comes for this beloved pup to rest; his paw prints will live on in the hearts of his parent and those he managed to interact with.
Feature Image Source: Pixabay