Christmas Is Just Around The Corner So These Adorable Pups Are Preparing To Be Reindeer!

Christmas Is Just Around The Corner So These Adorable Pups Are Preparing To Be Reindeer!

As Christmas approaches, it’s time for Santa Claus to stretch his legs and head outside to choose some reindeer to help him drag his sled around the world, and make sure they’re all ready for duty.

But he should consider hiring some golden retriever pups instead! These fur balls here have loads of Christmas spirit to show off and give to the world! Right now, they’re actually pulling a sleigh in order to practice for the big gift-giving night. They’re even dressed up as reindeer! It seems that these fur balls really want the privilege of pulling Santa’s sleigh this year.

Surely Rudolph wouldn’t mind a holiday! Personally, I’d love for these fur balls to help send presents to everyone. They’ve been training so hard to be perfect, too! If you think pups should pull Santa’s sleigh, then give this video a thumbs up, and don’t forget to share it around!

Feature Image Source: hommekid

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