Summer is generally a favourable season; you can go outside with your dog and enjoy the outdoors for hours on end. That being said, the summer heat can affect our dogs in a variety of ways, namely; heat exhaustion and hot pavement that puts their paws at risk.
Fortunately social media has come with new solutions to alleviate the summer heat. TikTok is a popular social media platform where people create videos on a myriad of topics. There are virtually any and all types of communities on the platform sharing advice and educating the masses.
DogTok is one such community where content creators have shared creative ways to keep dogs cool for the summer. The following tricks were shared by a TikTok user with the handle @TedTheNewfoundland who regularly posts about her friendly Newfoundland named Ted.
Fruity Iced Lollipops
Try juicing fresh fruits like watermelons and freezing them with popsicle holders to make a refreshing iced lollipop for your dog.
Frozen Fruit Chunks
For a simple alternative to the iced lollipops you can cut up chunks of watermelon or banana and serve them to your pup frozen.
Having a mini Swimming pool
Filling up a kid-sized pool for your dog can be a fun way for them to cool off.
Additional tips to maximise your dogs comfortability this summer include:
- Going for walks when it’s cooler outside, like early in the morning or later in the evening.
- Condition their paws for the heat. You can do this by taking your dogs on walks on pavement when it’s cool outside. This can harden their paws making them stronger for hot days.
- Stick to grass as much as you can. Consider a hiking trail or playing on grass at a park.
- Inspect your dog’s paws every 15 to 30 minutes on walks as serious skin destruction can happen in less than 2 minutes.