Michelle Thompson adores pit bulls and has no qualms about letting the whole world know of her love for them. This love affair started when Michelle first met her two ‘pitties.’ “All they wanted to do was cuddle, Michelle recalled.
Realizing how affectionate and adorable pit bulls are, Michelle, then, decided to adopt, not one, but two pit bulls, whom she named, Jackson and Lola. Jackson is the hyperactive one who loves to play with toys while Lola is the more reserved one who has a habit of snorting like a pig.
“We also call her Ms. Pig or Pig Bull,” Michelle fondly shares.
Not long ago, Michelle and her husband planned to install a new gate for their driveway. They, then, thought of a novel idea that showed their utmost love for the pit bulls. They decided to use Lola and Jackson’s silhouettes as the central design for the gate.
“My husband came up with the idea because we are huge pit bull advocates and will always rescue these dogs,” Michelle said, “A family friend made them quickly for us.”
When the couple saw the finished design, they were ecstatic!
“We were blown away when we first saw them,” Michelle remarked.
Now, the unique gate never fails to put a smile on those who know Jackson and Lola and are convinced of the aptness of the design. Truly, it’s a testament of love for their pitties.
Images & Feature Image Source: Michelle Thompson