Cute German Shepherd Puppy Howling!

Cute German Shepherd Puppy Howling!

Is there anything cuter than a howling puppy? I think not!

This adorable German Shepherd Dog puppy just heard a siren and he believes it must be the call of his people! He throws his head back and gives howling his best effort to join in on the chorus.

As the sirens continue, he walks around in search of them and adds in some more howls every now and then. This pup gets it, maybe he’s a future K-9? Whatever his future holds, he is adorable and it is so precious hearing him howl!

His head movement makes the video even more adorable, but the main focus is definitely on his cute howl attempt!

See the video on page 2 below!

Page 2 Here

Watch the video below to see the adorable shepherd puppy howling!

Feature Image Source: Ruben Sandoval

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