Remember Part 1 of this story? Well, no one was prepared to see what was about to happen! Still searching for her dog, one morning Seneca received a phone call from a couple saying Zelda was spotted close to her home.
She immediately started putting out food and some of her used laundry in a bid to lure Zelda back home, but still no news. A few days later, the couple called again to let her know they had managed to trap Zelda. Without giving it a second thought, Seneca raced off to find her dog! But when she saw Zelda for the first time, she barely recognized her.
Zelda had lost weight, was cowered into a corner, and didn’t look herself at all. But once her chip was scanned, Seneca knew that a miracle had indeed happened, it was Zelda! It was then that Seneca knew she would never let Zelda go! She promised herself and her canine companion that she would keep her by her side forever.
The promise came true, and Zelda lives happily as part of Seneca’s family, earning herself the nickname of being Seneca’s “Velcro dog”. Zelda never leaves her side and is always just a few feet away.
It rarely crosses our minds that an animal that chooses to bond with you would go to such extraordinary lengths to never lose you. The story of Seneca and Zelda reminds us that certain types of love are unconditional and irreplaceable. Perhaps this story serves as a reminder that we should cherish the love that we have with our pets, and never take it for granted!
Feature Image Source: Pixabay
Images Source: Seneca Krueger