It is only when things are taken away from us that we realize how easy it is to take them for granted. Such an example is the use of our limbs. The simple art of walking is impossible without the use of legs.
One cannot hold and carry things without arms. If a dog is disabled it is even harder for them. Unless they are lucky enough to find a caring pet parent, the future looks bleak indeed. Many might simply be euthanized just to be “put out of its suffering”. One lucky dog is a small breed called Winnie.
Left outside a shelter one dark and dreary night, Winnie was incredibly lucky to survive. On inspection she was found to be severely malnourished and, to make matters worse, she didn’t seem able to walk. Seemingly a hopeless case, the shelter staff didn’t hold out much hope for her. Luckily, an angel in the form of a lady called Stephanie, stepped in when she heard of the desperate situation. Taking pity on Winnie she decided to see if she could help her.
Winnie was brought home where she subsequently received a shower. In vain, Stephanie tried to assist Winnie to walk but with no success. Trying a new approach, she placed Winnie in water and to her astonishment noticed that she kicked her legs. Encouraged by this, Stephanie made a point of taking her through water regularly, and eventually Winnie’s legs grew much stronger. She was, however, still unable to walk. Stephanie and her husband then built a cart to help train Winnie to walk and after only a few weeks the miracle happened!
Thanks to this compassionate couple Winnie was given a new lease on life and now walks with ease!
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