Many a time we will be watching a movie with our four-legged family members curled up on their beds next to us. When a barking dog comes on, we might notice their ears perk up, or perhaps even heard them bark back.
The question is, can they actually see the dog? Do they think what they see is real? Researchers have investigated our questions, and here is what they have to say.
While our dogs are color-blind, they still see blue and yellow, and the rest is simply black and white. They can most definitely see perfectly fine, meaning they see the same animals as we do on our screens. While they may be indifferent to reruns of The Big Bang Theory, when another furry friend appears on the screen, it should not surprise us to see them thrillingly respond.
What scientists have noticed, is that our canine companions do not have a specific preference to what is showing on the screen. This means they do not “watch” TV like we do, but more that they are indeed aware of what is displayed. A simpler way to put it is that they can recognize what is displayed, but they do not follow the storyline and eagerly await the next episode!
Be it a bark or perked up ears, our dogs are more aware of what is in front of them then we might think. Even though the colors they see are different from ours, our dogs have more in common with us than we may have imagined!
Feature Image Source: Pixabay