Do You Know Your Dog Parenting Style?

Do You Know Your Dog Parenting Style?

Humans have different dog parenting styles just like they do with children. Do you know your dog parenting style?

Let’s take a look at a few of the most popular ones:

Helicopter Parenting

According to research from UC Berkeley, this may not be the best parenting style for human children, but it’s great for dogs. These dogs show high levels of dependence on their pets and also high levels of affection.

This means you only buy the best for your dog, meaning no genetic food, and the treats are full of vitamins and nutrients. You also dress your dog according to the weather, outfitting them in sweaters when it gets cold, and you might even take a day off from work if your dog is ill.

Helicopter parents also use webcams to monitor their dogs and take pictures and videos every chance they get!

Authoritarian Parenting

Authoritarian parents are strict and have rules that dictate what their dogs can and can’t do. They treat their dogs as pets and they do not have access to every part of the house. Note that this does not equate to abuse, but they definitely aren’t getting spoiled. There are no extra treats or extra outside time, and the authoritarian parent has a schedule for grooming, feeding, and exercise.

If this is you, consider relaxing the rules and be more spontaneous.

Permissible Parenting

Permissive dog parents spoil their dogs. These dogs have no rules and may not even be trained. They do what they want, when they want, and may have poor leash etiquette. They may go inside, and even snatch food from the table.

While these dogs are loved and soiled, rules need to be in place to keep the dogs safe and boundaries must be established.

Worrywart Parenting

Worrywart parents are extremely worrisome, especially if their dog frowns. They may rush to give them treats to boost the mood, but their dogs may end up taking advantage of them. A negative impact of this is sluggishness and weight gain.

Try to give your dog more space, and go easy on the treats. Try using a soothing tone, cuddling, or stroking instead.

Family Ties Parenting

These parents make their dog a full member of the family and will treat their dog in the same regard. They will not hesitate to dish our money on the latest in dog care, grooming, and everything else. Their dogs are extremely pampered but also well-behaved.

Finding the right balance is always encouraged, and while your dog may be able to roam free, they must expect the boundaries you put in place.

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