Dog Finds His Way Home After He Went Missing For A Week

Dog Finds His Way Home After He Went Missing For A Week

Last month, Steven Beltran and his family went through a difficult period as their beloved dog, Brownie, went missing from home in Colombia. Initially, the family was hopeful that they would find him or he would return.

However, as days rolled by, they began to fear he was lost forever.

Narrating the ordeal, Beltran said: “There were days of searching, days in which we did not sleep, days we did not eat.” The family tried everything they could to find Brownie, including asking the public for help. However, their efforts failed to yield tangible results.

Fortunately, Brownie managed to find his way back home after a week. It was a huge relief and a cause to celebrate for his family. “Having Brownie back is something indescribable,” Beltran said. “We are very happy that he has returned.”

Although a security camera footage at Beltran’s house captured the moment the dog returned by squeezing under the front gate, no one knows where he had been and how he could survive a week away from home. His family is just grateful he returned safely.

Beltran said he was a little tired, thirsty and hungry when he returned. “I can’t imagine everything he experienced those seven days he was away from home. Now, he’s being spoiled,” Beltran said. Brownie is also glad to be back with his family, who would be taking extra precautions to prevent such incidents from reoccurring.

Image Credit: Steven Beltran

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