Dog Reunites With His Family After Going Missing For 6 Months

Dog Reunites With His Family After Going Missing For 6 Months

Chase, a lost dog in Texas, finally reunited with his family after six long months. His family had been looking for him since he went missing on November 27, 2021.

When he went missing, his family had fliers up all over their town and on social media and spent the next months searching for him. Although their efforts didn’t yield their desired result, they didn’t lose hope. The City of Denton Animal Shelter received a call on April 27, 2022, concerning three dogs running loose on someone’s property. So they visited the place and caught one of the dogs.

The dog didn’t have a microchip when they took him to the vet, so they named him Kendolph, placed him on a five-day stray hold, and planned to put him up for adoption if no one came forward to claim him.

Luckily, some people who kept track of missing dogs figured out that Kendolph was Chase! So they contacted his family quickly to come to the shelter and confirm. When Chase’s dad arrived, the pup ran up to him with his tail wagging and climbed all over him while his dad began to shed happy tears.

Denton Animal Shelter described the reunion on Facebook, saying, “Days like today make up for all the bad days we have here at the shelter. Days like today is a great reminder why we love what we do.”

Image Credit: City of Denton Animal Shelter

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