Elizabeth Warren's Dog Swiped Someone's Burrito And Refused To Let It Go!

Elizabeth Warren's Dog Swiped Someone's Burrito And Refused To Let It Go!

Elizabeth Warren is a well-known candidate who recently ended her presidential campaign. Although her campaign is over, Elizabeth still received many interviews and appeared on numerous shows, as well as participated in many outdoor speeches.

Often spotted at her side, is her dedicated dog, Bailey. Bailey is her loyal canine companion, and this Golden Retriever certainly did not shine away from the spotlight. In fact, Bailey appeared in many interviews and speeches, either from the sideline or at the center of attention. He was by her side every step of the way, often barging into interviews for a petting.

He even had a 25-foot inflatable made of him to recognize his dedication!

Recently, however, Bailey came up with mischievous antics that got him into some trouble. This precious pooch took it upon himself to snatch a burrito as a closing moment for Elizabeth Warren’s run for the presidency. Despite the commotion to get the burrito out, Bailey managed to obtain it and enjoyed his last meal as the candidate pooch. When the videos went viral on social media, citizens responded with complete support for his antics.

Most people said that he should be allowed a burrito for all his hard work. Some even gave comical responses, saying that he is probably stress eating and should be left to do so. Well, the comments are not wrong. This good boy has been a loyal companion for many years and will remain as one for many to come. It goes without saying that he probably deserves that burrito, don’t you think?

Feature Image Source: Twitter

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