Every Pup Loves To Play Fetch, This Adorable Pup Loves Fetch A Little Bit More!

Every Pup Loves To Play Fetch, This Adorable Pup Loves Fetch A Little Bit More!

Some of you may have wondered, why do Retrievers like the Labrador Retriever have that word tacked on as part of their breed name? The answer lies in how these pups were originally bred to be gun dogs during a hunt!

This means these pups needed to be highly intelligent so they could be trained, and be capable of running very, very quickly.

There is also one more thing they are very good at – chasing after something! This beautiful Labrador Retriever mix shows off her proud heritage in the way she is so eager to play fetch with Dad. And since this pup can run, it makes sense that Dad had to take her out to this particular place, where there is a long, straight path!

The first ball she doesn’t quite bring all the way back, but that is okay – she happens to have a second ball. So Dad uses that one for playing fetch instead!

Feature Image Source: Country Hiker

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