Family Discovers Their Dog's Secret Hobby!

Family Discovers Their Dog's Secret Hobby!

Hamilton is a dog with a thick, grey, and white mane, it’s no surprise that he likes to cool off and his family is well aware that he loves an occasional swim, however, they had no idea about the extent of his love for the water until recently.

Hamilton’s family had just set up a security camera in their backyard to catch him in his element by the pool and within a few minutes of being alone, he took a giant leap in. After his wild entrance, he proceeded to paddle through the waters in absolute awe at the expanse of water around him; it was all his for the time being.

Little did he know he was being recorded and his mom, Mary, would later watch the footage. She remarked that she would laugh every time she watched the video which would later be uploaded to Youtube and garnered a whopping 1.4 million views in a matter of weeks. Hamilton’s love for swimming was well received by millions of people and many others could tell that he enjoyed his solo pool party.

It’s generally assumed that a dog’s ability to paddle means that they can swim, but unfortunately not all dogs can swim. A dog’s anatomy plays a huge role in its buoyancy; dogs with broad and flat faces like bulldogs or pugs would have a hard time keeping their noses and mouths above the water and dogs with larger heads than their bodies will have a similar problem. Interestingly, dogs whose anatomy allows them to swim like Hamilton tend to not like swimming due to a dislike of getting their fur wet.

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