Family Dumped Pup At Shelter Because They Got Tired Of Him Digging Through Trash

Family Dumped Pup At Shelter Because They Got Tired Of Him Digging Through Trash

Pups often get into all sorts of mischief. After all, they are very curious animals who don’t understand what makes something “good” or “bad”. But one spot of naughtiness landed Coby the 2-year-old pup at Fairfield County Shelter, South Carolina in November.

Cody’s only crime was digging around in an open trash can, but it caused his family to abandon him. The sudden change took a lot out of the pup, rendering him terrified and frightened. He chewed on his leash, refused to look at staff and volunteers, hid every chance he got, and spent hours facing the wall. Still, he was never once aggressive.

Facebook/Samira El-Hage‎

Cody’s story was shared online. Many states over, the founder of a cat rescue organization called Compassion For Cats of Delaware took notice. Leigh Maddox couldn’t fathom a pup being dumped at a shelter for something so trivial. Her heart went out to him, and she was able to find Cody a foster home with a woman Olivia Fritz.

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It would be a nine-hour drive between the South Carolina shelter and the Dover, Delaware foster home. So Pilots N Paws stepped in to make the journey that much easier, and soon Cody was in Fritz’s home.

Facebook/Samira El-Hage‎

Fritz could see from the start that Cody’s trust would be tough to win. He was so frightened he was frozen in fear and refused to acknowledge anyone around him. Luckily, his new home is full of ways to occupy him and he will never be dumped again just for being a dog.

Compassion For Cats of Delaware

Right now, Cody is still very scared and nervous. He can’t go outside by himself and needs to be carried, but he is slowly improving. He has started to walk on his own and eating treats out of Fritz’s hand. He has quite a way to go until he is ready for adoption, but Fritz is confident he will be soon.

Feature Image Source: Facebook/Samira El-Hage‎

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