Finding A Moderate Protein Dog Food For Your Senior Dog

Finding A Moderate Protein Dog Food For Your Senior Dog

Finding a moderate amount of quality protein for senior dogs is not straightforward. The majority of what we hear about protein levels in dog food are mere opinions. That shouldn’t surprise you since there are few veterinary nutritionists, not just for dogs but for humans too.

We can arrive at a moderate protein level by finding a midpoint between the minimum and maximum protein levels in existing dog foods. From research, we found that the lowest amount of protein in dry dog foods ranged between 17% to 18%.

Usually, they were food designed for weight control. On the other hand, the highest amount of protein in dry dog foods ranged between 41% to 43%. Following the calculation, the midpoint we arrived at is 30%. We believe that is the best moderate amount of protein levels to feed most senior dogs.

Whether old or young, feeding your dog high-protein foods is potentially dangerous, and many veterinarians warn against it. While there have been cases where dogs with severe kidney disease saw improvements when their parents reduced their protein intake, this was wrongfully extended to senior dogs who didn’t have the disease.

The best thing is to feed your dog with moderate protein dietary. Bear in mind that the protein level on your dog food label is the minimum present in the food. There is a probability that the food contains more. You may consider reaching out to the company directly to get more clarification.

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