German Shepherd Gets Protective After He Sees Another Dog!

German Shepherd Gets Protective After He Sees Another Dog!

This adorable German shepherd went to his parent’s room and all of a sudden, and out of no where, this other dog looks straight into his eyes. Worse, he barks too, at the same time. This is hilarious! Silly furball!

Enzo the German shepherd pup was just enjoying his day when suddenly out of no where, a dog just like him appears in front of him, out of thin air, literally. Enzo can’t understand the sorcery, but all he knows is that he must protect him family from this newbie! Now it was just a mirror! But of course, Enzo doesn’t know that. Have you ever wondered why?

According to The Daily Puppy, “When dogs look into a mirror, they typically have one of two responses: They may bark or try to invite play as if they were staring at another dog, or they may appear to do nothing. Dogs who perceive the mirror reflection as another dog and either bark or invite the dog to play tend to lose interest when their actions get no response. After this first experience, they often ignore their reflection in the mirror.” Go to page 2 below!

Page 2 Here!

Take a look at this adorable fur ball barking at himself in the mirror! Yep he doesn’t know it’s a mirror and thinks there’s another dog there! Like and share people, like and share…

Feature Image Source: Instagram

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