Golden Retriever Knows How To Say: “I Am Sorry!”

Golden Retriever Knows How To Say: “I Am Sorry!”

Being a retriever’s mom or dad can very often be a hilarious job! Those of you who are proud parents of one (or more) of this “Almost human” amazing breed will know what we mean.

They are the eternal goofballs and wigglebutts with their eyes of power to just melt you in any situation. For their personality, golden retrievers will get away with almost anything. Stealing too! Stealing food to be precise. If your baby didn’t ever steal a bite from anyone or in a most unusual situation then it is not a retriever! Apart from that, the sibling’s rivalry is proven to exist among pets too.

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Watson, the five-year-old Golden retriever is just a perfect example. He became a rock star when the hilarious and amazing video of him stealing his brothers chewy went viral and reached the stars on Instagram. As any good Mom would do, Watson’s Mom insisted that he apologizes to his brother Kiko; her tone was gentle making sure he understood what he did, that it was wrong, and tried to make sure he knows what he was supposed to do to apologize.

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The golden Watson did that typical retriever thing; he walked right to his nine-year-old brother, placed his paws around Kiko’s neck, and gave him a gentle hug with those big brown eyes saying: “I am sorry, I will never do it again, I pawmise!” – At least not until I find another chew and nobody’s watching!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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