Golden Retriever Puppy Tries To Intimidate Doorstop By Barking Ferociously!

Golden Retriever Puppy Tries To Intimidate Doorstop By Barking Ferociously!

Cooper the tiny Golden retriever puppy has no trust for this wily doorstop! Cooper can’t figure out what it is that makes this doorstop so springy, but he is determined to attack it!

I don’t know what it is about doorstops that is so appealing to puppies, but where there’s a spring and funny noises, there’s a puppy waiting to attack it!

The cutest thing about this is the little puppy’s bark! After bopping the doorstop around a little bit, he tries out his voice to try to put it in its place but his “ferocious” bark turns out to be even more adorable!

Keep trying, Cooper, maybe you can kill it with your cuteness!

Continue on to page 2 to see the video!

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Watch the video below to see Cooper’s reaction to the doorstop!

Feature Image Source: DailyPicksandFlicks

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