Handling Two Emergencies - Insect Bites & Snake Bites

Handling Two Emergencies - Insect Bites & Snake Bites

Our pups tend to invite trouble, not because they want to, but either because they want to play and they’re unaware, or they risk their lives to save their family from the more dangerous creatures.

Insect Bites

When we ourselves cannot prevent mosquito bites, how do you think our fur balls manage them? Now its not only mosquito bites that they have to worry about, there are many insects that bite and sting our fur balls and sometimes without our knowledge. This is why its extremely important that you familiarize yourself with the insects that live in your area so you know exactly what to do, and maybe prevent your fur ball form getting bitten by them.

When an insect bites your fur ball, the area swells and reddens. If the bite is from a bee or a wasp, remove the stinger. if it is from a tick, use a cotton bud to slightly press near the tick so it can latch on to the cotton and let go off your pup’s skin. Once you have taken care of this, apply a cold pack especially if the swelling is severe.


Snake Bites

In North America, the most poisonous snakes are the rattlesnake, the cottonmouth, the coral snake and the water moccasin. If poisonous snakes live in your area, you will need to find out stay away from them. There are certain snake proofing sessions that you can take your fur balls to so they can learn how to stay away from them. If your fur ball is bitten by a snake, here’s what you need to do:

  • Calm your pup to slow down the venom spread, and immediately arrange your pup to be taken to the vet,
  • For 30-60 seconds allow the snake bite to bleed freely and then clean and disinfect it,
  • Place gauze over the wound and apply pressure, but not too much as it may cut off circulation,
  • Take your pup to the vet immediately.

NEVER cut into the wound and NEVER apply suction to it, either. Do not apply any tourniquet. If you find yourself and your pup frequently hiking about in snake-infested areas, talk to your vet about carrying an antivenin with you. Please SHARE this post with everyone you know.

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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