Have You Ever Considered Using Neem Oil For Your Dogs? Here's What You Need To Know

Have You Ever Considered Using Neem Oil For Your Dogs? Here's What You Need To Know

Neem oil is a kind of oil taken from the seeds and bark of the Azadirachta indica, known also as a neem tree or nim tree. It’s known to have tons of benefits.

Here are the 12 benefits of using this oil:

1. Antioxidants

Neem oil is packed with antioxidants that reduce free radical production.

2. Itching relief

All the antimicrobial, antibacterial, and antiviral parts of neem oil allow it to fight off many potential causes of irritation.

3. Antifungal

This oil can fight fungi, including ringworm.

4. Demodectic mange relief

The components in neem oil can help treat mange.

5. Coat care

The fatty acids in neem oil can help promote a shiny, healthy coat of fur.

6. Insect repellant

A component known as azadirachtin is neem oil is an amazing insecticide and pesticide.

7. Antibacterial

Neem oil has successfully fought off a wide variety of diseases, from the common and simple to the rare and dangerous.

8. Atopic dermatitis treatment

The nimbin in neem oil has antihistamine and antiseptic properties.

9. Internal parasites treatment

Neem oil can help repel and get rid of a wide range of internal parasites, within limits.

10. Anti-inflammatory

The triterpenes in neem oil are great for keeping inflammation balanced.

11. Diabetes prevention

Neem oil can control blood glucose levels in animals.

12. Health

All in all, neem oil can improve a dog’s overall health!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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