He Knew His German Shepherd Was Hiding Something. When He Saw What He's Hiding? OMG.

He Knew His German Shepherd Was Hiding Something. When He Saw What He's Hiding? OMG.

This daddy walked in the living room and saw his German shepherd sitting innocently on the rug. He knew instantly that he was hiding something, but what? When he found out? I can’t believe this.

According to the original uploader on YouTube, “Naughty Monty the big friendly German Shepherd is looking very guilty after chewing a rabbit teddy.” Yes this pup just didn’t like the way this rabbit teddy kept looking at him, I suppose and so a little game of roughhousing and the teddy was out!

This isn’t the first time out fur balls chew teddies out, it happens all the time. But how this pup reacts, his innocent looks and all, I fell down laughing when he let go to become a big ol’ puppy ready for belly rubs! Take a look at this video and share away, people!

Feature Image Source: Wendel Armstrong

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